unrar - extract files from rar archives


unrar <command> [-<switch 1> -<switch N>] archive [files...] [path...]


This manual page documents briefly the unrar command. This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution because the original program does not have a manual page. Commands and options described here are as of unrar 2.02.


After the program name comes a command and then optional switches with dashes before them. A summary of commands is included below. For a complete description, run unrar without options.
e Extract files to current directory.
l List archive content.
p Print file to stdout.
t Test archive files.
v Verbosely list archive.
x Extract files with full path.


NOTE: Every switch must be separated by a whitespace. You cannot put them together.
-av- Disable AV check.
-c- Disable comments show.
-f Freshen files.
-kb Keep broken extracted files.
-ierr Send all messages to stderr.
-inul Disable all messages.
-o+ Overwrite existing files.
-o- Do not overwrite existing files.
 Set password.
-p- Do not query password.
-r Recurse subdirectories.
-u Update files.
-v List all volumes.
 Exclude specified file.
 Exclude files in specified list file.
-x@ Read file names to exclude from stdin.
-y Assume Yes on all queries.


This manual page was written by Petr Cech <> according to "unrar -h" for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).

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