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scout - A Package Scout


scout [global_options] {module} {search_term} [module_options]


The following options are available:

global_options, module

The global options are handled by scout itself.


Specify the default output format. Choices are table (default), xml, csv. It's a replacement of the older scoutcsv, scoutxml links.


Print a brief help.


Print version.

The respective module to search for. The following modules are available:


Search for autoconf macros inside m4 files.


Search for binaries contained in packages.


Search for C/C++/Obj-C/Obj-C++ headers


Search for Java classes inside packaged JAR files.


Search for Python modules.


Search in packages using the Webpin webservice.


The term you are looking for.


Additional module options. At the moment these are:


list all available repositories

--repos=REPO, -r REPO

select a repository to search (use a name from the --listrepos output)


Scout is a tool to look for uninstalled packages. For example, which binary does a package provide, which Java classes are available and which autoconf macros does a package contain.

To search for your requested term, you need index data files which are a preconfigured SQLite 3 database. You have to install these in order to get your search request done. Use the \m[blue]Scout OBS data repository\m[][1] to get additional index files. See the \m[blue]Wiki page about Scout\m[][2] for more information.

Example 1: Search For Executables

For example, to search for a \FCsdl-config\F[] executable, you need the bin module:

\FC$ \F[]scout bin sdl-config

\M[lightgray]\D’P 75u 0 0 0u -75u 0 0 -0u’\M[] \M[lightgray]\D’P 75u 0 0 0u -75u 0 0 -0u’\M[]

You get the following output:

repository | binary | path | package ------------+------------+-----------------------------+----------------- suse110 | sdl-config | /usr/bin | SDL-devel suse110 | sdl-config | /usr/lib/baselibs-32bit/bin | SDL-devel-32bit

\M[lightgray]\D’P 75u 0 0 0u -75u 0 0 -0u’\M[] \M[lightgray]\D’P 75u 0 0 0u -75u 0 0 -0u’\M[]

Example 2: Search For Java Packages

If you want to search for a Java package, use the following code:

\FC$ \F[]scout java org.apache.xml.serialize.Serializer

\M[lightgray]\D’P 75u 0 0 0u -75u 0 0 -0u’\M[] \M[lightgray]\D’P 75u 0 0 0u -75u 0 0 -0u’\M[]

You get:

repository | package | jar | class ------------+------------------+---------------------+------------------------------------------------ jpackage17 | jboss4-testsuite | xerces.jar | org.apache.xml.serialize.Serializer jpackage17 | jboss4-testsuite | xerces.jar | org.apache.xml.serialize.SerializerFactory jpackage17 | jboss4-testsuite | xerces.jar | org.apache.xml.serialize.SerializerFactoryImpl jpackage17 | xerces-j2 | xerces-j2-2.9.0.jar | org.apache.xml.serialize.Serializer jpackage17 | xerces-j2 | xerces-j2-2.9.0.jar | org.apache.xml.serialize.SerializerFactory jpackage17 | xerces-j2 | xerces-j2-2.9.0.jar | org.apache.xml.serialize.SerializerFactoryImpl

\M[lightgray]\D’P 75u 0 0 0u -75u 0 0 -0u’\M[] \M[lightgray]\D’P 75u 0 0 0u -75u 0 0 -0u’\M[]

Example 3: Search through Webpin

If you want to use the \m[blue]openSUSE Search Webservice\m[][3]—also known as \(lqWebpin\(rq—use the following line:

\FC$ \F[]scout webpin docbook_5.xml

\M[lightgray]\D’P 75u 0 0 0u -75u 0 0 -0u’\M[] \M[lightgray]\D’P 75u 0 0 0u -75u 0 0 -0u’\M[]

You get:

package | version | arch | repository URL | matched files -----------+---------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------ docbook_5 | 5.0 | noarch | http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/SL-OSS-factory/inst-source/suse | /etc/xml/docbook_5.xml docbook_5 | 5.0CR7 | noarch | http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/thomas-schraitle/openSUSE_Factory | /etc/xml/docbook_5.xml docbook_5 | 5.0 | noarch | http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/XML/xml-factory | /etc/xml/docbook_5.xml

\M[lightgray]\D’P 75u 0 0 0u -75u 0 0 -0u’\M[] \M[lightgray]\D’P 75u 0 0 0u -75u 0 0 -0u’\M[]

Bash Completion

If you like to complete your options automatically through Bash, insert the following lines into your \FC~/.bashrc\F[] or \FC/etc/bash.bashrc\F[]:

if [ -f /etc/bash_completion.d/scout.sh ]; then . /etc/bash_completion.d/scout.sh fi

\M[lightgray]\D’P 75u 0 0 0u -75u 0 0 -0u’\M[] \M[lightgray]\D’P 75u 0 0 0u -75u 0 0 -0u’\M[]

See also



Pavol Rusnak <stick@gk2.sk>


Michal Vyskocil <mvyskocil@suse.cz>


Ales Nosek <anosek@suse.cz>

Index data for Java

Pascal Bleser <guru@unixtech.be>

Webpin code

Marek Stopka <mstopka@opensuse.org>

Bash completion

Thomas Schraitle <toms@suse.de>

Docbook documentation

Klaus Kaempf <kkaempf@suse.de>

Help with python-satsolver


1. Scout OBS data repository  http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/prusnak:/scout/data
2. Wiki page about Scout  http://en.opensuse.org/Scout
3. openSUSE Search Webservice  http://software.opensuse.org/search

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