ldapmodrdn - LDAP rename entry tool


ldapmodrdn [ -r] [ -s newsup] [ -n] [ -v] [ -c] [ -M[M]] [ -d debuglevel] [ -D binddn] [ -W] [ -w passwd] [ -y passwdfile] [ -H ldapuri] [ -h ldaphost] [ -p ldapport] [ -P {2|3}] [ -e [!]ext[=extparam]] [ -E [!]ext[=extparam]] [ -O security-properties] [ -I] [ -Q] [ -U authcid] [ -R realm] [ -x] [ -X authzid] [ -Y mech] [ -Z[Z]] [ -f file] [ dn rdn]


ldapmodrdn is a shell-accessible interface to the ldap_rename(3) library call.

ldapmodrdn opens a connection to an LDAP server, binds, and modifies the RDN of entries. The entry information is read from standard input, from file through the use of the -f option, or from the command-line pair dn and rdn.


-r Remove old RDN values from the entry. Default is to keep old values.
-s newsup Specify a new superior entry. (I.e., move the target entry and make it a child of the new superior.) This option is not supported in LDAPv2.
-n Show what would be done, but don’t actually change entries. Useful for debugging in conjunction with -v.
-v Use verbose mode, with many diagnostics written to standard output.
-c Continuous operation mode. Errors are reported, but ldapmodrdn will continue with modifications. The default is to exit after reporting an error.
-M[M] Enable manage DSA IT control. -MM makes control critical.
-d debuglevel
 Set the LDAP debugging level to debuglevel. ldapmodrdn must be compiled with LDAP_DEBUG defined for this option to have any effect.
-f file Read the entry modification information from file instead of from standard input or the command-line.
-x Use simple authentication instead of SASL.
-D binddn Use the Distinguished Name binddn to bind to the LDAP directory. For SASL binds, the server is expected to ignore this value.
-W Prompt for simple authentication. This is used instead of specifying the password on the command line.
-w passwd Use passwd as the password for simple authentication.
-y passwdfile
 Use complete contents of passwdfile as the password for simple authentication.
-H ldapuri
 Specify URI(s) referring to the ldap server(s); only the protocol/host/port fields are allowed; a list of URI, separated by whitespace or commas is expected.
-h ldaphost
 Specify an alternate host on which the ldap server is running. Deprecated in favor of -H.
-p ldapport
 Specify an alternate TCP port where the ldap server is listening. Deprecated in favor of -H.
-P {2|3} Specify the LDAP protocol version to use.
-O security-properties
 Specify SASL security properties.
-e [!]ext[=extparam]
-E [!]ext[=extparam]

Specify general extensions with -e and search extensions with -E. '!' indicates criticality.

General extensions: [!]assert=<filter> (an RFC 4515 Filter) [!]authzid=<authzid> ("dn:<dn>" or "u:<user>") [!]manageDSAit [!]noop ppolicy [!]postread[=<attrs>] (a comma-separated attribute list) [!]preread[=<attrs>] (a comma-separated attribute list) abandon, cancel (SIGINT sends abandon/cancel; not really controls)

Search extensions: [!]domainScope (domain scope) [!]mv=<filter> (matched values filter) [!]pr=<size>[/prompt|noprompt] (paged results/prompt) [!]sss=[-]<attr[:OID]>[/[-]<attr[:OID]>...] (server side sorting) [!]subentries[=true|false] (subentries) [!]sync=ro[/<cookie>] (LDAP Sync refreshOnly) rp[/<cookie>][/<slimit>] (LDAP Sync refreshAndPersist)

-I Enable SASL Interactive mode. Always prompt. Default is to prompt only as needed.
-Q Enable SASL Quiet mode. Never prompt.
-U authcid
 Specify the authentication ID for SASL bind. The form of the ID depends on the actual SASL mechanism used.
-R realm Specify the realm of authentication ID for SASL bind. The form of the realm depends on the actual SASL mechanism used.
-X authzid
 Specify the requested authorization ID for SASL bind. authzid must be one of the following formats: dn:<distinguished name> or u:<username>
-Y mech Specify the SASL mechanism to be used for authentication. If it’s not specified, the program will choose the best mechanism the server knows.
-Z[Z] Issue StartTLS (Transport Layer Security) extended operation. If you use -ZZ, the command will require the operation to be successful.


If the command-line arguments dn and rdn are given, rdn will replace the RDN of the entry specified by the DN, dn.

Otherwise, the contents of file (or standard input if no -f flag is given) should consist of one or more entries.

Distinguished Name (DN) Relative Distinguished Name (RDN)

One or more blank lines may be used to separate each DN/RDN pair.


Assuming that the file /tmp/entrymods exists and has the contents:

cn=Modify Me,dc=example,dc=com cn=The New Me

the command:

ldapmodrdn -r -f /tmp/entrymods

will change the RDN of the "Modify Me" entry from "Modify Me" to "The New Me" and the old cn, "Modify Me" will be removed.


Exit status is 0 if no errors occur. Errors result in a non-zero exit status and a diagnostic message being written to standard error.


ldapadd(1), ldapdelete(1), ldapmodify(1), ldapsearch(1), ldap.conf(5), ldap(3), ldap_rename(3)


The OpenLDAP Project <>


OpenLDAP Software is developed and maintained by The OpenLDAP Project <>. OpenLDAP Software is derived from University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release.

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